15 minute | INTERMEDIATE Ab Workout with MEDicine Ball

15 minute | INTERMEDIATE  Ab Workout with MEDicine Ball
15:38 Aug 24, 2020
Hey Lean Friends!  Welcome Back! This video is all about working the ab. This is an intermediate ab workout.  - The system of the workout is similar to my other  "Workout Videos" - but I do have lots of new exercises in here to make it more fun! ♥︎ -- The video is in full length which means you can just follow whatever I’m doing for each exercise. If you need a break - TAKE IT! Don't worry too much about that. You will improve over time :) that's the best feeling! I also recommend switching up your workouts to give your muscles enough time to recover and to hit them from different angles.  - Main Workout - 5 Exercises with 30s REST in between - GO for 3 to 4 rounds! 1. Medicine Ball Russian Twists X 20 (both sides = 1) 2. Medicine Ball Toe Touches X 10 3. Medicine Ball Ab Roll-Up Toss X 10 4. Medicine Ball V-Up X 10  5. Medicine Ball Plank X 30 secs  _ Follow me on Instagram and tag me if you complete one of my workouts! ➞ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/_fat2lean/  Disclaimer: When joining me for this workout video, you need to take some precautions as your health and safety is the most important. To avoid any injury or harm, you need to check your health with your doctor before exercising. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision like with this video, you are performing them at your own risk. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Fat2Lean will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.   #15-minute  #abworkout #medicineball 

Tags: tips , tricks , fitness , Workout , abs , ab workout , Weight loss , healthy , weights , loss , Health , nutrition , core , muscle , fat , exercises , training , fit , workout for women , sit ups , gain , Twist , intermediate , core workouts at home , push ups , ab twist , ab smash , russian twist , dave dreas , macros , med ball , med ball abs , 8 minute med ball abs , medicine ball , cleans , slams , throws , chest pass , squat clean , med ball workout , med ball ab workout , ab circuit , 15minute , ab workout for women beginners

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